Arizona Gay News Archives®©
Arizona Gay News®
1977 - 1981
Publication Archives Collections

The issue seen here is one
of almost 200 in the archives.
Over time all issues will be
made virtually available.

All images, videos, auditory,
documentary, exhibts, publications, including but not limited to text exhibits are copyrighted and
registered by
Arizona Gay News®©,
Arizona Gay News Archives®©,
Gary Clark Archives®©,
Robert 'Bob' Ellis
Tucson Gay Museum®©,
and or by third parties.
Publication of names, photos, exhibits, manuscripts, artifacts,
and or memorabilia of any person or organization in Arizona Gay News®©,
Arizona Gay News Archives®©
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All Rights Are Reserved.
use or publication of these contents is strictly prohibited without written
Authors are required to provide an acknowledgement-link,
citation, attribution, footnote back to these archives.

Copyrighted-Registered-All Rights Are Reserved
the Arizona Gay News History Since 1977